Friday, January 15, 2010


Anything I have to say...

about our new boot trays at every door (to corral the slush and salt)...

about the frustratingly vague permit requirements and our basement bathroom DIY redo...

about kitchen thoughts...

about anything at all...

pales in light of the devastation in Haiti. Pales in light of what people endure every single day. It should not need a tragedy to remind people to open up their hearts and wallets.

Yesterday, I was working on my kitchen plans. While doing so, I started researching kitchen hoods. You know, those things over the range to vent smoke and grease and smells. You would not believe how expensive vent hoods can get. Amazing. I briefly toyed with the idea of buying one of these stylish kitchen divas. But I could not. It felt...inappropriate. So I am designing and redesigning so I can use the $200 deal I found off of craigslist.

This morning, I made a contribution to Doctors without Borders. I tried to make a contribution to the Red Cross too, but their website was overloaded and failed to complete the transaction. I'll try later.

It shouldn't take a disaster, but it does. For me too. To open my heart and my wallet. To give to people who would think that my unremodeled space, duct tape and all, was a palace. A sanctuary. A place that's warm and safe. Home.

I didn't make any new year's resolutions for 2010. So belatedly, here are my resolutions. To stay open to all the hurts around me and to give as best I can in whatever way I can. Also, as a friend said on Facebook, "to delight in the 'ordinary' blessings of my comfy, safe, little extraordinary life."

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