The iSpork
Available in Wi+Fi
Wi-Fi plus 3G for unlimited roaming while dining

The best way to experience food. Hands down. Or up. With its built-in accelerometer, the iSpork always knows which way is up. You'll never miss your mouth again.
It's hard to believe we could fit so many ideas into something so thin. A spoon. A fork. Imagine being able to eat anywhere or anything. Soup to steak. All with one device. iSpork has a 6.5" length with remarkably precise Multi-Touch tines. And at just .3 ounces and 2 mm. thin, it's easy to carry and use anywhere.
Thousands of apps made just for iSpork. With more coming every day. You'll find thousands of apps on the App Store specifically designed for iSpork. The current top-seller, iConductor, enables you to conduct a virtual orchestra using your iSpork. (Warning: Do not use iConductor in close quarters as unintended lacerations may occur.)
iSpork with Wi+Fi plus 3G. The best way to stay connected. Now you can take your cuisine with you wherever you go and enjoy superfast scarfing speeds on iSpork. Enjoy dining anywhere, even in areas without Wi+Fi.
A magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price. iSpork.
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