Friday, March 19, 2010

Pizza Fridays

On many Fridays, I make homemade pizza dough for Pizza Fridays.

Pizza dough recipe
This recipe is a simple variant of an allrecipes dough.

3 cups all-purpose flour
1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 cup warm water

Pour cup of water into large bowl. Add yeast and sugar. Stir lightly until dissolved. Wait for fifteen minutes. Froth signals that the yeast is active. Add olive oil, salt, and flour. Knead with oiled hands. Oil the surface of the dough ball and replace in bowl. Cover bowl with wet cloth and allow dough to rise for thirty minutes. Divide dough. We make three pizzas from this dough (two for the children and one for the grownups). Roll out dough until it's very thin. Prick it all over lightly with a fork. Cook in a 450˚ oven on a stone for 4 minutes or until crisping a bit on the edges. Take out and put on desired toppings. Put back in oven for an additional 5-6 minutes or until cheese melts and starts to brown on edges.

This dough is super, super easy. Foolproof really. I have had issues with the dough proofing and rising stages when the kitchen is cold during the winter. I've had to proof/rise in a 100˚ oven with the door open or downstairs in the basement (which is quite warm because it houses the furnace room).

Now toppings. This is where the fun begins. My kids prefer the classic cheese only or pepperoni and cheese. But I love to get creative. Here are some of the combinations that I've tried (all with regular tomato sauce and mozzarella unless otherwise indicated).

- fried eggplant slices and pepperoni
- fresh baby spinach, crumbled bacon, and blue cheese (yum!)
- olive oil brushed on crust, sliced hard-boiled eggs, crumbled bacon, fresh baby spinach, mix of pecorino romano and mozzarella with a drizzle of sriracha sauce added after it's done*
- barbecue sauce, shredded leftover beef, slivered red onions, cheddar or Mexican four-cheese blend**
- barbecue sauce, sliced or shredded leftover chicken, slivered red onions, jalapenos, cheddar or Mexican four-cheese blend**

*No tomato sauce
**No tomato sauce and mozzarella

I'm thinking thinly sliced grilled tuna, olives, sliced hard-boiled eggs, fresh baby spinach, and feta sound delicious too. A pizza nicoise! Or maybe something with asparagus and thinly sliced ham. Or a Thai pizza with peanut sauce, grilled chicken, and matchstick carrots and zucchini. Hmmm...Maybe next time.

What's your favorite pizza?


  1. This is my exact pizza dough recipe! Only I make one big thicker crust pizza, but now I'm going to try dividing it and cooking it your way.

    Another good veggie option - my new favorite - light tomato sauce, artichoke and feta cheese. SO yummy.

  2. Yum! I love, love artichokes, but almost never eat them at home. I'm going to have this next pizza night. Mmmm...


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