Monday, June 8, 2009

The birds

Sometime around four in the morning, I was awakened by what sounded like the avian equivalent of the New York Stock Exchange trading floor outside my window. Or what I imagine the NYSE trading floor sounds like. Voices shouting to top each other. Shrieking to be heard. Swelling in volume. Sheer cacophony.

And I lay wrapped in a blanket in the unbelievably chilly morning trying to ignore the noise. And the growing light. And failing until I checked the time. It wasn't quite five o' clock.

Blackout shades are climbing quickly up the must-buy list. And as for the birds...They've gone quiet now. I'm imagining children being awakened at four in the morning. Grumpy, grouchy, sleep-deprived children. At least I have one week to figure this out before they arrive.

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