Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It finally feels like spring. (My allergies assert themselves enthusiastically in agreement.) The brisk wind carries a hint of warmth. I hear a cacophony of birdsong outside. And today's CSA (community-supported agriculture) box is full of fresh, good things.

Now the fun begins. What to make? What to make? Look at the size of that greenleaf lettuce! It could provide enough salad for a small, herbivorous country. And that gorgeous rainbow chard? You'd think that my girls would absolutely love anything "rainbow," but sadly, no. Not even with bacon.


  1. Beautiful! I used chard on pizza in place of spinach. Even my spinach haters don't mind it on pizza!

    We had brisk winds today, too. (Read that as 'gale force') But in the 30s, so no warmth in it at all.

  2. yes the rainbow chard is gorgeous! so, what time is dinner?

  3. Gorgeous colors. I am afraid it would all go into soup.

  4. Rhome, I tried the pizza thing. Little critters wouldn't fall for it.

    Deva, I'd love to have you over for dinner! It's a bit of a journey though. :)

    Hmmm...Cotehele...a whole-lotta-various-veg soup. Sounds intriguing!


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